1. Bullying and discrimination are not your fault!

2. What you think of as bullying could really be discrimination!
A. If you are bullied because of your race

B. If you are bullied because of your religion

C. If you are bullied because of a disability

D. Or because of your sexual orientation

3. You should know your school’s discrimination policies

4. You should know your school’s anti-bullying policies

5. Know your state’s cyberbullying laws

6. If you are watching someone being bullied and don’t speak up, you are a by-stander—which means you are a participant.
7. There are three kinds of bullies

A. The Bully

B. The Bystander

C. The one who encourages the bully from the sidelines: Hit him harder! Take his lunch money!

8. Bullying isn’t cute or funny!

9. By being a bully, you may be violating a student’s human rights. https://jillvanderwood.com/book-blogs/erase-the-problem-of-bullying/celebrities-who-were-bullied/

10. You may be interfering with another student’s right to a safe education.

11. If you post a threat to someone online, that comment can be traced to the computer or phone of origin.

12. Young children should be taught to use computers responsibly.