More Thoughts on Money Matters

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Categories: Advice from Grandma - One Generation to Another, Things that Matter

Dear Grandchildren,

When we were talking about money matters, I had another idea.

There are couples where both partners work, but one partner requires the other to hand over their whole paycheck. They don't agree on money matters.

One woman I know gave her whole check to her husband and he paid the bills. He also used everything extra to buy collectible guns. This couple didn’t agree on money matters.

What is the purpose of having hundreds of guns? Can you shoot more than one gun at a time? You may be able to feed your family, by going hunting. But, could a hunter ever use more than a few guns? What happens when the father’s love for guns comes before the needs of his family?

More thoughts on Money Matters
More Thoughts on Money Matters

The house was falling apart around the family, and the carpet had holes.

The cars needed to be repaired because they were always breaking down, leaving the family stranded. This could have been prevented, but the husband continued to use all of the extra money to buy guns.

In a family like that, the woman not only had to justify any purchase she made, but she didn’t always have the things that were needed to care for her family. The situation was dire but the husband still felt he had the right to buy more guns.

As a stay-at-home mom, another friend was always having to explain her purchases, such as needing a new pair of jeans or shoes for her kids, while her husband bought collectible cars.

When she went to work, her husband wanted her to turn over her paycheck to him, so she quit working.

Granddaughters, you should be able to have a new pair of shoes, have your nails done, or go to the movies with your friends. Be reasonable about your spending, but choose to spoil yourself once in a while.

A woman in her nineties told me she had a career as a nurse and worked hard for her money. She met many nurses who gave all their money to their husbands. But she never turned over her paycheck. She told the other nurses, “I always buy myself a special gift for my birthday and for Christmas.”

Woman Handling Money-More thoughts on Money Matters
Woman Handling Money

They said, “Oh we could never do that.”

“Of course, not,” she told me. “They had to account for every penny they spent.”

One of my daughters stayed home with the kids, while her husband worked. She had a hard time getting her husband to give her money for the house-hold needs. She told me she had to take money out of his wallet while he was sleeping to buy groceries or Christmas gifts. She too, always bought herself something special for Christmas.

Girls, if you are working you should be able to spend some money—unless your bills are more than both of you are making or your family is deeply in debt.

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