We hugged each other and I was on my way home. When I got home, my husband took me to a restaurant. While we waited for our food, I reached in my purse for my phone and pulled out. . . Terri’s phone! I had been an absent minded grandma and put her phone into my purse! I was two hours away. My husband told me to call her, but. . . I had her phone.
I called Terri on her work number, hoping she would still be at work. She answered. “Terri, this is Jill,” I said. I have your phone.”
“What? Who is this?”
“Terri, it’s Jill. I accidentally put your phone into my purse after you showed me your family pictures.”
She laughed. “How did that happen? I never even noticed that my phone was missing. Where are you now?”
“I got all the way home before I noticed. If you give me your address, I will mail the phone back to you.”
She gave me her address and I sent the phone back. It took a few days to arrive.
Terri now teases me, about being an absent minded grandma every chance she gets!
This might seem harmless, but it’s not the first time this has happened to me! That’s right. I was at work one day when I heard a weird sound coming from my purse. I looked inside and found a strange cell phone! I asked the girls at work if they had left a phone in my office. No one claimed it. The message on the screen and the spoken message on the phone was in Spanish. A Hispanic friend helped me to figure things out.
She dialed some of the phone contacts, she was able to get a message to the man who lost his phone. He was so happy to hear from us that he drove downtown to my work to pick it up. The strange thing was that we had never met. He did speak English and we were trying to figure out how I got his phone. It turned out that we lived in the same area.
At first, I thought I picked up his phone at the bank, but we didn’t go to the bank at the same time. It turned out that we both went to the Hunter Library on the same day. He must have left his phone at the checkout counter. Thinking that the phone was mine, I inadvertently picked it up.
It had been several days since the phone had been missing before I found it was in my purse. He was so grateful to know that it wasn’t stolen and to see that I was honest and returned it to him. He thanked me, over and over.