The Goal: To put up A Million Broken Hearts monuments in communities to bring violence, domestic violence or gun violence and suicide awareness to communities.
Steps that were taken to get the monument approved:

I have met with a representative of the City Council and the monument is approved. I have also been in on meetings with the cemetery committee to decide where to place the monument.
I have met with the American Legion and they will sponsor a Bingo Night with all proceeds from that night to be donated for the monument.
I have also met with a member of the Lion’s Club to see if they will be interested in contributing to the monument.
I have met with a member of the Interfaith Council to see if they would like to help with fundraising for the monument. I have talked with the Oneida County Crisis Center about contributing or finding a possible grant for A Million Broken Hearts Monument.
I have contacted the Malad High School arts department to see if they will arrange for a possible competition to find a student age 18 or younger to do artwork for the upper right-hand corner of the monument.
The purpose of this monument is: to bring comfort and closure to those who have lost loved ones to Suicide or Violence.
Those who join the Suicide Awareness Walk or Out of the Darkness Walk held during the month of September each year will meet at our A Million Broken Hearts monument in the Malad Cemetery for a candlelight vigil. Also, on or around Memorial Weekend, people will gather at the monument to remember the loss of their loved ones. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Each Life That is Ended Through Violence Suicide or Accidental Death, Leaves Behind a Million Broken Hearts!
Long term goal: To bring A Million Broken Hearts monuments to other cities and communities around the country.
If it’s possible to raise funds to put up A Million Broken Hearts monument in a smaller community such as Malad, Idaho with a population of just over 2000 people, it should be much simpler to erect on monument in larger communities.